Book launch of the publication "Kontext Sterben"
The question of how and in which contexts our lives come to an end is more topical than ever before.
Book launch of the publication «Kontext Sterben. Institutionen – Strukturen – Beteiligte».
Edited by Corina Caduff, Minou Afzali, Francis Müller (Trends & Identity) and Eva Soom Ammann.
27.04.2022, 19.00 - Bookstore Never Stop Reading
Spiegelgasse 18 / Untere Zäune
8001 Zürich
- Kontext Sterben: Corina Caduff, Francis Müller, Eva Soom Ammann
- From the perspective of the dying: Gaudenz Metzger
- Doing nothing: Julia Rehsmann
- Panel: The design of death settings. With Roland Kunz, Settimio Monteverde, Tina Braun and Bitten Stetter (Trends & Identity)
(Moderation: Minou Afzali)