Diverse contributions to the "Planet Digital" exhibition
Digitalisation is more than a mere translation of the analogue. It is more a profound transformation of society and our world. The virtual world is increasingly intertwined with the real world, provoking new forms of immersion, experience and materiality.
The exhibition "Planet Digital" will take place in Zurich from 11 February - 6 June 2022 and has been realised by the Zurich University of the Arts, the University of Zurich and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences together with the Museum für Gestaltung. Together with national and international artists and designers, 23 projects were developed that deal with the present and future of digitalisation.
The Department of Design is represented with the following contributions & persons:
All the Lives
With the help of a deep-fake algorithm, visitors can put themselves in alternative life situations.
Participants: Björn Franke, Nadine Cocina, Paulina Zybinska, Subject Area Interaction Design, ZHdK
Digitale Dreifaltigkeit
Large projections show how digitalisation can be understood as a religion-like trinity in the form of an interplay between datafication, algorithmisation and platformisation.
Participants: Michael Latzer, Department of Media Change & Innovation, Institute of Communication Studies and Media Research, UZH
Jonas Voegeli, Subject Area Visual Communication, ZHdK
This installation shows the random colour combinations of lava lamps and how they can be used to create secure encryptions between user and internet server. Participants: Joachim Rosenthal, Institute of Mathematics, UZH, Felix Fontein, Jonas Voegeli, Subject Area Communication, ZHdK
Game Changer
A selection of video games with a multidisciplinary approach, showing the importance of video games as a cultural asset and design product.
Participants: Maike Thies,Subject Area Game Design, ZHdK, Hiloko Kato, German Seminar, UZH
Stop Hate Speech
Digital posters by interaction design students of the first semester of the ZHdK on the topic of hate speech on the Internet, which interact with the visitors.
Participants: Fabrizio Gilardi, Institute of Political Science, UZH, Luke Franzke, Rebecca Morganti Pfaffhauser, Subject Area Interaction Design, ZHdK
Lars Ziegler & Matthias Naegeli, Lukman Aščić & Audrey Meret Lohmann, Luis Praxmarer & Tanja Landolt, Mo Bünzli & Carina Good, Sonja Cowley & Giovanna Yanireth León Briceno, Elena Walther & Lea Bischoff, Loïc Hommel & Nanthatchaporn Janthasom, Lyvia Muniz Gomes Wägli & Benjamin Eggstein, students 1st semester, Interaction Design, ZHdK
Further information about the exhibition