Project Circleg wins Design Prize Switzerland
On Friday, 5 November 2021, the Design Preis Schweiz Edition 21 awards ceremony took place in Langenthal's Markthalle. The biennial event was held for the 16th time and is considered the most important event for the Swiss design industry. The seven-member jury selected a total of 15 award winners from 36 nominations in nine categories.
In the category "Going Circular Economy", the "Project Circleg", founded by 2 design alumni from the Industrial Design department, was awarded.
Jury comment:
Project Circleg addresses a problem that has received far too little attention for far too long: millions of people around the world are unable to get around independently simply because they lack the funds for suitable orthopaedic prosthetic legs. This alarming finding was the trigger for an ambitious project that combines several goals: the development of a functionally impeccable prosthesis that is also affordable for many people and can be produced according to ecological principles and with the help of regional structures. The makers of the Circleleg project have - according to our impression - succeeded in a gratifying way in meeting the demands they have set themselves. With the help of a cleverly woven ecosystem, they have done everything right, considered everything and developed a convincing solution for all aspects of their complex task - a great achievement!