Showcase and Panel “Renovating Buildings, Yes! But How?”
The Chair of Sustainable Construction (ETH), the Department of Design (ZHdK) and the td-Lab (ETH) are pleased to announce the final evaluation of the SNF Agora research project “Renovate Buildings, Yes! But How?”.
Over the past few months, the transdisciplinary project team has been working on the development of a toolset and an open access strategy to address the environmental impacts associated with the renovation of buildings. The formats developed aim to improve understanding of the different levers and solutions for green, climate-resilient and cost-effective renovation.
On 18 June, the showcase will present the applied approach for a better understanding of low carbon building renovation. Interactive testing of the tools will be followed by a panel discussion and an aperitif.
The event will take place on 18 June 2024, from 6 to 7:30 pm at the following addres:
Clausiusstrasse 59
Room D8
8006 Zurich
To register before 10 June, please follow this link: